What do I need to bring to a Treatment?
For an Aquatic session, clients will need a towel, bathing suit and a dry set of clothes for after the treatment. Clients are encouraged to change and stay dry and warm after the session and on the drive home. Showers and change rooms are available at all of the pool facilities.
For a table session, clients are encouraged to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing or active wear.
Majority of session are performed with clothing on, unless advised otherwise.
How do I pay for a session and claim with my health providers?
Currently Client’s can do either cash or bank transfer payments (bank details provided on invoice).
An invoice will be sent out to your email and then you can submit the invoice to your Health Care Provider. All the relevant information will be included on your invoice.
How do I prepare and care for myself before and after a session/treatment?
It is important to drink a larger than usual amount of water before and after the treatment to support and detoxify the body before and after. Clients may be fatigued and tired after a session so it is best to book in when you don’t have any engagements on after. It is recommended to not consume large amounts of alcohol after a treatment. Hugh may provide movement/stretches and home adjuncts to assist clients between treatments.
Should I come to my treatment if I have been or am unwell?
In short ‘No’, It can for several reasons. Firstly, when you have a remedial massage or myotherapy treatment, it often amplifies the symptoms of the illness your body is fighting, as it stimulates the lymphatic system. It is not uncommon for people to feel light-headed and bilious after a treatment, which is not what you want if you are already under the weather. Secondly, it is tricky to treat someone who has a runny nose or cough, and there is the hygienic element of spreading bacteria. Please rest up and rebook if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
How many sessions should I book in for or will I need?
Treatment plans are individually put together and are adjusted based on a clients results and needs. Some client like to vary their treatments between both the table and the water however it is encouraged to book your water sessions in advance as spots are limited and fill up quickly.
For the best results a client is encouraged to book in 2-3 sessions initially, with further ongoing recommendations after the third session.
Is there disability and wheelchair access?
All the pools have disability parking and wheelschair and disability rails to access the pools. For any specialist request or instruction please contact Hugh to discus. On street parking is available for bodywork and movement sessions.